About Fact Bites

With so many blogs and resources out there, it’s difficult to find reliable sources of information. Our goal with the Fact Bites search engine is to make your search easier, so you can your facts from the best sources. 

Admittedly, we can’t do it alone. After all, when I say “we”, I really mean me. I could use your help. If you want to become a Factfluencer, and help me find great resources and manage my blog, shoot me an email at Abelino@factbites.com

About Abelino

I’m a 30 something living in Argentina at the moment but born and raised in Boulder, Colorado. While I traded my skis for a beach towel, I always keep a piece of the snowy mountains in my heart. 

Things I like:

White chocolate mochas
Fostering dogs
Working out
Business podcasts

Things I don’t like:

Black coffee
My glasses
Social media ( I refuse to create accounts)

Why am I running FactBites?

I think I was a librarian in my past life. Sorting, compiling, indexing, summarizing – these are all things I find meditative.

Want to know anything else about me? You know how to find me. 😉

– Cheers, Abelino Silva